Using Breath Work; Simply Breathe

Do you get overwhelmed? Do you feel like your nervous system is on overdrive?  Do you struggle with feeling connected, or creative, or at peace? 

A simple breathing practice, like this  90 Second Breathing Exercise Shyra guides us through,  can be done periodically throughout the day, both proactively and as needed.  What you may begin to notice is that

“your soul wants you to experience something blissful, your higher self wants you to be in a higher state of mind.” 

- Shyra.  

Breath work, in itself, can assist in calming the nervous system, balancing the internal energies, and bring us back into and reconnect with the present moment.  This is a great tool to utilize proactively, but also in response to stressors and anxieties, and can assist in transmuting negative energies.  Breath work isn’t difficult to begin because we already need to breathe to live, it’s simply shifting the focus to be aware of and acknowledge the breath, and even expressing gratitude for the breath. 

This practice will assist you in deepening your connection with Higher Self or your Soul Self, opening yourself to more creativity, and calming and elevating your physical energy.  You must learn to trust that the information being received is from your Higher Self, in the moment it is needed, and that it is meant for your greatest and highest good. 

With practice, we begin to learn how to navigate and integrate this tool of breath work, shifting perspectives, and being “the watcher” of your reactions and responses, and of other people’s patterns and perspectives of experiences.  This “watcher” experience helps us learn how to have more compassion for ourselves and others as each of our souls continue to grow. 

Compassion means to us to be able to relate to try to understand where someone is coming from and be able to be sensitive to it.  It requires an ability to see an event or situation from someone else’s perspective without necessarily attaching to the emotion so that you are experiencing the emotions, but just being open to seeing what that experience might be like. 

The tool of breath work will help reset frantic energy and assist us in shifting our mindsets to being open to seeing other perspectives.  By adjusting our focus to the view of the watcher, we can see without attaching to the emotions of an experience.  

Watch as Shyra guides us through a quick, 90 Second Breathing Exercise to help us reset and refocus on the present moment and all the love that is present in each of us. 


Finding a Balance Between the Spiritual and the Physical


Connect with Source by Connecting with Self