Letting Go of the Old to Create Space for the New

Life is about growth, but do you ever struggle with letting go of what no longer serves you to make space for creating new ways of living and being? Do you struggle with decluttering your soul’s space to make way for new growth?  What do you do when faced with letting go of past relationships that no longer serve you and learning to clear space for deeper relationships that are in better alignment with your being in the now?  

Let us discuss why it is important to practice going within to evaluate what makes you happy and what no longer feels right or brings you the same joy as it used to. 

You may find that you are out of alignment with old beliefs and habits, activities, or previous relationships.  You will know this is no longer in alignment with you if it no longer feels good or gives you energy.  When you notice resistance to activities or an old way of life, this is a sign to either let go or dive deeper into the “why” of this resistance. 

You may experience a rising up of the egoic-self, feeling fearful of missing out, a fear of moving away from the known and towards the unknown, or a fear of acceptance of who you are now. 

When we do “shadow work” we are diving into the why of what we are feeling, whether it is fear or just an uneasiness; you are looking into the dark corners of your being. By shedding light into these areas, you are viewing or watching what may be hidden there.  Give what is there space to express itself, acknowledge how this may have served you in the past, determine if this darkness still serves you, or if you are ready to let it go and clear space for a new sense of being and awareness of your infinite self. 

This may lead to re-evaluation of relationships with others, with self, and with the activities and way of life you used to follow.  This can be difficult because if you let go of this, what will you have left?  What you will have left is a space for creating the life and sense of self that you would prefer to experience. 

Creating awareness of self doesn’t always feel good and it may reveal some difficult truths or old truths. By clearing space so we can address our fears, our hurts, and the patterns that are no longer serving us, we are able to clear the clutter from our internal space and are clearing the way for new growth and greater connection with Self and Spirit. 

Everything is happening when it needs to, as it needs to, to support you however you need to to continue with experiencing soul growth. It may at times feel lonely, but remember, you are always connected and never alone.  You have everything you need within you, you just have to be willing to look, ask, and receive. 

Watch this related episode here:


Do you believe in MAGIC?


I AM sorry