Releasing Ritual or Ceremony

You can do this any time you feel like you need to set an intention to release something and want the additional energy produced by an act as representation of releasing an attachment to a limiting belief or pattern that no longer serves you.  During the full moon is an ideal time to practice releasing rituals, as this time of the moon cycle enhances the supportive energy behind the act of releasing. But, again, any time you are feeling the desire, go ahead and release it!

I choose to use dried sage and lavender for releasing my intentions.  The smoke released from the sage helps to purify and release all energy from the energy field of the attachment being released.  The burning of lavender purifies your spiritual energy and will assist in releasing and cleansing negative energies, allowing for love to fill the space and provide better balance.  Lavender is also associated with the crown chakra and considered an important spiritual herb overall.

What you’ll need:

  • Paper

  • Pencil/Pen

  • Sage

  • Lavender

  • A safe place to burn & lighter (Alternatively, if burning stuff is not possible, tearing up the paper can also provide an energetic release)

  1. Cleanse your space.  You can use a sage smudge stick, palo santo, decluttering your alter, taking a bath or shower.

  2. Take a few minutes to meditate, pray, or sit in quiet contemplation.  You can do a protection bubble at this time.  (Guided Meditation: Protection Bubble: by Shyra on YouTube

  3. Take some time to reflect and write down what you intend to release attachment to.

  4. Now that you have what you want to release written down, read each one out loud.  Sit for a moment with each intention, visualize the root of the attachment, give love to yourself in that rooting moment, visualize a cord of attachment and see yourself cutting that tie.  You may experience intense emotions arise; give yourself the space to express them, feel them, see them, and release them. When you’re ready, say “I release this attachment that no longer serves me, in all time, space and direction, back into the light with love.”

  5. If you have a safe place to burn the intentions, you can place it in there now.  Once you’ve completed reading the intentions, you can light a fire inside your burning bowl or cauldron.  (If you are not able to use the element of fire, you can tear up the pieces and throw them away.) 

  6. Allow the intentions to burn and smolder.  Do not smudge out the embers.  Allow them to die out naturally.  Waft the smoke over you to cleanse your aura and spirit.  

  7. Once the ashes are done smoking (and you’ve confirmed there are no embers), say a small prayer asking that these ashes return to the earth to support life and growth, and send them back to mother Earth.  This is done with love and gratitude.  

Happy Releasing

Watch the related episode of Love Always, Self below:


The Importance of “Play” in Adulthood


Discovery of Self and How Important Self is!