Supporting Science of Interconnectedness and Psychic Abilities

Is there any scientific evidence supporting psychic abilities, interconnectedness or distance healing? Is there any proof we are all connected? 

This is a topic I have been fascinated by in my recent years of diving into expanding my consciousness.  I am someone that is open to hearing ideas, theories, and potential possibilities that plague the minds of physicists.  I have always had faith, but this has evolved from man-made to religion to a spirituality defined by infinite possibilities and a foundation of love.  

These are a mere few of the scientific discoveries that I have found over the years that support the idea that we are all connected and have psychic abilities, to receive information outside of ourselves, as well as send and receive energy that can potentially be healing in nature. 

Carl Jung, a Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist, founded analytic psychology and proposed the concepts of extraverted and introverted personality types, archetypes, and coined the term “collective unconscious.” Later, he developed the theory that some experiences come from an area of the mind called the “collective unconscious, which he held was shared by everyone” (Fordham).  Jung proposed that the unconscious consists of two layers; the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious.  The personal unconsciousness is believed to contain temporality, forgotten information, repressed memories, and complexes or collections of thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and memories that focus on a single concept.  The collective unconsciousness is a “universal version of the personal unconscious, holding mental patterns, or memory traces, which are shared with other members of human species” (McLeod). 

Now, the above is simply stated as a theory hypothesized by one of the founders of analytic psychology, because discovery starts with imagination and theory, but what scientific studies are supportive of this claim?

Since the early 1990’s, prior to his passing in 2014, Dr. Masaru Emoto studied the effects of words on the cellular structure of water putting the idea of “Water as a Living Consciousness” on the map for the scientific world. He showed us how water, when it is exposed to loving, benevolent, and compassionate human intentions results in aesthetically pleasing physical molecular formations in the water while water exposed to fearful and discordant human intentions results in disconnected, disfigured, and “unpleasant” physical molecular formations. The power of human thoughts, sounds and intentions has the ability to strengthen and disempower. (Dr. Masaru Emoto) 

Read more about Dr. Emoto’s fascinating water experiments here:

In 1997, in a laboratory at the University of Geneva, Dr. Nicolas Gisin conducted an experiment where pairs of quantum-entangled photons were split by a distance of 18 kilometers.  What was noticed was that “the physical properties of the photon changed identically during their journey,” and that “there was no detectable time difference between when those changes occurred” (Berardelli).  Photons are a form of light, or energy.  Thoughts and words are also another form of expressed energy. 

Russell Targ and Jane Katra, PhD, wrote a hypothesis on the Scientific and Spiritual Implications of Psychic Abilities includes a statement by physicist, David Bohm, to explain that “quantum-interconnectedness,” or nonlocal correlations has repeatedly been demonstrated in laboratories around the world by “quanta of light that are sent off in opposite directions at light speed maintain their connection to one another, and that each little photon is affected by what happens to its twin, many kilometers away.”)  This reiterates what was discovered in the Twin Photon experiments conducted by Nicolas Gisin.   In this same paper, which was written by Russell Targ, it is further explained that the human experience of nonlocality as “mind-to-mind connections that transcend our ordinary understanding of space and time, [giving] us expanded awareness.” (Targ, p143)

Recently, the C.I.A. document from 1983 discussing the Gateway Process, was released with profound evidence supporting the ability to connect to an energy outside one’s body and consciousness and supports our ability to conduct remote viewing, consciously travel into the past,and have information acquisition potential. This document details the 2 decade-long operation called The Gateway Process, where by use of hypnosis, transcendental meditation, and biofeedback, “a training system was designed to bring enhanced strength, focus and coherence to the amplitude and frequency of brainwave output between the left and right hemispheres so as to alter consciousness, moving it outside the physical sphere so as to ultimately escape even the restrictions of time and space” (C.I.A., p4). The document further states that “human consciousness can, with enough practice,move beyond the dimension of time-space and interface with other energy systems in other dimensions” (C.I.A., p14).  This process was able to elicit repeated positive outcomes with remote viewing from as far as the U.S. to Russia, which at the time, collection of information or spying was a catalyst to this research.  Furthermore, by using energy bar tools, such as scepters and staffs, in conjunction with theHemi-Sync Process, or Gateway Process, the technique provided “amplification for application of the energy bar tool as a means of healing specific areas or systems of the human body” (C.I.A., p21).

Russell Targ was a cofounder of the once secret program, the Gateway Experience, conducted by the CIA.  His paper, Scientific & Spiritual Implications of Psychic Abilities, details about highly statistically significant outcomes when developing proficiencies in remote viewing.  Viewers were often able to “contact, experience, and describe a hidden object, or a remote natural or architectural site,” and the “shape, form, and color [were] described much more reliably than the target’s name, function, or other analytical information,” and were even able to “describe associated feelings, sounds, smells, and even electrical or magnetic fields” at blueprint accuracy with reliably in a series as high as 80%.  It is encouraging of individuals’ that “with practice, people become increasingly able to separate out the psychic signal from the mental noise of memory, analysis, and imagination.” (Targ, p144)

The studies conducted by the C.I.A. are further documented proof of the collective consciousness, our abilities to tap in to receive information outside of space-time restrictions of this dimension, and the ability to use energy to heal our physical bodies.  “It is as though our bodies reside in the familiar 4-dimensional 

It is my belief that everything within the Universe originated from one Source. Whether you believe in God or in the Big Bang, both theories still begin with one Source. As evidenced by the Twin Photon Experiments, what we do and say to ourselves and others impacts all in real time, including what we do to mother Earth.  

This is reconfirmed by Dr. Emoto’s water experiments, and considering our body’s and mother Earth are each made up of 60-70% water, we would be remiss to not consider how our thoughts, words, and intent are impacting and creating memories of experiences within all living things at a cellular level. 

“Do unto others what you want done unto you.” - Confucius

This brings me back to the Gateway Project, which confirms that with practice we all have the opportunity to develop our abilities to tap into the Universal consciousness to receive guidance, act as a conduit for healing energies, and see beyond our five senses. 

“Twentieth-century science has documented that our thoughts affect others; that we are all interconnected through our consciousness” and we are not alone in experiencing the effects of our thoughts. (Targ, p147). However, our own beliefs determine our reality. This area of study will continue to be explored and new information brought to life about our abilities to connect, support, and enhance the energy of love, our current ability to find supportive evidence is limited by our level of technology.  We still have so much we don’t know about the Universe and our innate human abilities that are yet to be discovered; why limit yourselves to only what can be proven by our current level (or lack)of advancement?

​​“The greatest illusion in this world is the illusion of separation.” – Albert Einstein.

Love Always,



  • Berardellie, P. (2008, August 13). Quantum Physics gets "Spooky". Retrieved October 12, 2021, from

  • C.I.A., (1983, June 9). Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process.

  • Dr. Masaru Emoto and Water Consciousness. The Wellness Enterprise. (2021, February 28). Retrieved October 11, 2021, from 

  • Fordham, M. S.M. and Fordham, . Frieda (2021, July 22). Carl Jung. Encyclopedia Britannica.

  • McLeod, S. A. (2018, May 21). Carl jung. Simply Psychology.

  • Targ, R., & Katra, J. (2001, May). Scientific and Spiritual Implications of Psychic Abilities. Retrieved October 12, 2021, from 


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